Recognised as one of the most renowned and all-inclusive scholarships in the world, the Commonwealth scholarship (CS) is revered by many since its inception. It involves governments of Commonwealth countries offering scholarships and fellowships to their aspiring citizens who can display exceptional talent and potential to succeed and dominate in their chosen walks of life. Currently, there are 53 countries spanning across Africa, Asia, Europe, America and the Pacific who are members of the Commonwealth. Applicants from these member countries are eligible to apply for this commonwealth scholarships in pursuance of their graduate degrees (Masters and PhD). One of the commonest location Commonwealth scholars choose for their graduate studies is the United Kingdom (U.K). Hence, it is important to delve into the Commonwealth U.K scheme.
Commonwealth U.K
This scholarship is for candidates from low and middle-income common wealth countries who intend pursuing their Masters or Doctoral studies in the U.K. The scholarship is offered under the following six (6) themes;
Eligibility Criteria
Application Procedure
At this junction, it is important to note that the scholarship award for Masters’ program is for 1 year, while that for PhD is for 3-4 years. Here are the application steps;
Scholarship Value / Benefits
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