£5,000 to Study English Language at The University of Newcastle Business School, UK – 2021

Brief Description The perfect opportunity has arrived to study English in the UK with a scholarship of over £ 5,000. Only participants from and residents of Colombia and Mexico have the opportunity to apply to the program. The University of Newcastle Business School is being promoted with the aim of providing the necessary and financial aid required by Latin American students interested in pursuing undergraduate or postgraduate studies in the English language. The institution is recognized worldwide for promoting education…

Pay for your travel degree with this $1,000 scholarship

Pay your way through college by applying to scholarships Want to study travel, but you don’t think you can afford it? Apply for this scholarship and follow your dream If you love traveling and discovering new places, why not make a career out of it? You always seem to know how to put the best vacations together and you’re the to-go person in your family for traveling tips and advice, so using these skills to build a career would certainly…

Have an opinion about internet monitoring? Apply to win a $5,000 scholarship

Interested about the modern topic of internet monitoring? You could win a scholarship Use your unique interests and passions to find scholarships that will help you pay for your college tuition The internet is a wonderful place that has immensely enriched our life. We now have wider access to information, something our forebearers could have only dreamed of. A byproduct of widespread internet usage is online universities. The possibility of getting your college education online can be considered one of…

Create a crossword puzzle to win a $1,000 scholarship for college

Want to win money for college? Come up with crossword puzzle Love crossword puzzles? Create your own and win a scholarship worth $1,000 Due to financial problems and ever increasing tuition costs when it comes to higher education, many students think twice before applying to on-campus or distance learning degrees. In some cases, this means putting their dreams of getting a college degree on hold, until a better time comes along. That’s because a lot of students don’t think they…

Tweak a menu to win a $2,500 scholarship

Cottage Inn awards three scholarships for college Get creative and modify a pizza menu for a chance to win a $2,500 scholarship for college Education is one of the most important things in life. It’s what helps us human beings succeed in life and make a difference. But not everyone has free access to education. For example, children growing up in Africa barely know how to spell out their own name or how to read. The benefits of being educated…